"What magic exists that could be powerful enough to banish the knowledge from my heart that I had once been loved. Not even death can do so much."
Raistlin Majere
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Here are a few random quotes compiled over time :
"I have sinned enough against the world. Teaching magic to a kender would ensure my damnation." |
Raistlin Majere
Amber and Blood: The Dark Disciple, Volume Three (v. 3)
"Arrest the tree! Obstructing sunlight! Thats the charge!" |
"Magic will be my sword." |
Raistlin Majere
"No road is ever old" |
"I sacrificed myself for myself!" |
Raistlin Majere
"Most of us walk in the light and the shadow, Tasslehoff, but there are the chosen few who walk this world, carrying their own light to brighten both day and night." |
"Raistlin! You have on black robes! How wonderful! Can I touch them? Oh, all right. You needn't glare at me like that. It's just that they look so soft. Say, does this mean you're truly bad now? Can you do something evil for me, so I can watch? I know! I saw a wizard summon a demon once. Could you do that? Just a small demon? You could send him right back. No?" |
Tasslehoff Burrfoot
"As the old gods lost their power, we called to the blank sky into the cold, dividing gray to the ears of the new gods. The sky is calm, silent, unmoving. We have yet to hear their answer." |
"Kender are the true innocents of this world. They remind us that we spend a great deal of time and energy worrying about things that are not very important." |
"Yet without the darkness, we would never be aware that the stars exist." |
Raistlin.ca also uses data from The Dragonlance Nexus (Lexicon). (dlnexus.com)
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