"No discipline in the younger generation. His father- now there was a puffball...."
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Here are a few random quotes compiled over time :
"People want to believe in something-even if they know it is false." |
Tanis Half-Elven
"I have souls enough, Ariakan. It's the living I want." |
"Until we conquer the evils within ourselves we can never conquer the great evil that threatens to engulf us!" |
Lauralanthalasa Kanan
"Yet without the darkness, we would never be aware that the stars exist." |
"Well...it's a problem that will be solved by wiser heads than mine. I'm along for the fun." |
Tasslehoff Burrfoot
"Don’t change color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you." |
"If you think I would demean myself by sleeping with a man to get information, you're wrong, my friend." |
Kitiara Uth Matar
Brothers in Arms (Dragonlance: Raistlin Chronicles, Book 2)
"That got 'em! Wonderful spell, Fireball—" |
"Sometimes it hurts to care, doesn't it, Caramon? But it's better than being empty inside." |
Tasslehoff Burrfoot
"Do not be ashamed, Tas. Be thankful you can feel pity and horror at the death of an enemy. The day we cease to care—even for our enemies—is the day we have lost this battle." |
Raistlin.ca also uses data from The Dragonlance Nexus (Lexicon). (dlnexus.com)
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